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Gianluca Carnevale Garé

Head of Sales Retail Italy & Milan Branch Manager of RAM Active Investments (Mediobanca Group)

Gianluca Carnevale Garè is currently Head of Sales Retail Italy & Milan Branch Manager of RAM Active Investments (Mediobanca Group), an innovative Swiss Asset Manager leader in the use of AI and Machine Learning for asset management in Europe.

Born in 1986, Gianluca graduated in Business Management with a specialization in Corporate Finance from the University of Pavia (2010) and he completed an Executive MBA at Alma Mater Ticinensis in 2020.

Before joining RAM AI in January 2019, Gianluca worked in Sempione SIM, a boutique active in asset management and investment advice, where he held the role of Business Development Manager for Italy.

Previously, Gianluca worked in Invesco (2011-2015) as Sales & Relationship Manager Retail Italy contributing to the growth of the retail channel, before moving to Pictet Asset Management (2015-2018), in the role of Sales Manager Director with responsibility for the Italian retail market.

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Gianluca Carnevale Garé ha frequentato e concluso con esito positivo e merito l'edizione 2019 - 2021 del master